In our language lessons the teacher told us to give our opinion of the play Oh Romeo!Oh Romeo!.
This image represent the cover of the original film.
The play "Oh Romeo! Oh Romeo" played by the students of Newlands School develops the ridiculous version of the original Romeo and Juliet characters. Here, Juliet was ugly and Romeo Beautiful. In this eesay we will develop our opinion about the play and why we like it or not.
With regards to the plat the part that surprised us is how the students could organize their lines and the way in which they acted all along the scenes. Pronunciation was really good and behaviour was magnificient. Costumers were particulary similar to the ones in the original play.
On the other hand, there were some things to point out. It could be that it seemed they were in a hurry and also the actors of the chorus were not so involved as they should been in order to be recognized.
film part. |
To conlcude, despite all, they made a great piece of work with all the teachers in charge of prepearing this "new version". Students worked specially hard, transmiting good energy to the audience. In our opinion the play was incredible, sounds and the atmosphere made all this a real one. Our opinion about the play and why we like it or not are the ideas developed in this essay.
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