viernes, 30 de octubre de 2015

Organos y sus funciones.

En nuestras clases de Biología estuvimos estudiando los órganos y las funciones de cada uno de ellos, es así que la profesora nos asignó realizar una presentación de 10 minutos la cual hable sobre el tema.
A medida que cada grupo iba presentando los demás teníamos que ir escribiendo en una hoja el puntaje que merecían y las críticas tanto buenas como malas, lo mismo hicimos con las presentaciones propias.

martes, 27 de octubre de 2015

And she became an unknown.

I knew her since we were 5 years old. Last week i was in the supermarket and i saw my school best friend, the one i have been apart for years. It couldnt be explained the way in wich we hugged each other, in conclusion we arranged a day to have dinner at home.
The day arrives and i was completely anxious, it seemed to be one of the happiest day of my life, due to the fact that i never thought i was going to meet that friend to whom i consider a sister, she was always there to me, constantly calling me to see if i was fine, as a result a gold friend.
I heard the bell and i run to the door to see who it was, and there she was "SAMMY" I shouted while at the same time, two tears rolled down my cheecks.
After a long conversation, we sat down to have dinner and it came out of his mouth the worst new i had ever heard in my entire life. HE WAS MARRIED TO THE MAN WHO HAD ABANDONED ME. It was terrible, I began to think who my life long best friend could have deceived me in that way, if she knew i had married with that unpleasant man.
The same tears that fell when i saw her the first time, begin to fall uncotrollably when i heard that.  I finally stand up asking her to live my house while during that time i heard her telling me "sorry, i never meant to hurt you". And that was the last time i saw her.

A frightening Experience.

It was five in the afternoon, all was going perfectly well. The people, my house, the animals and the atmosphere. I never imagined that living in a "Jungle" was going to be so peaceful, and fantastic. Although his kind of house I was living in was completely terrifying and also abandoned before i started living here that 1st of april. The first week at night I was alarmed to every sound i heard, and shocked when i listen that notice of that poor men. I remember and I feel completely scared. It was unbelibable. How that stupid insect could be stranger than ourselves?
Aproximately at midnight at 12:00 o¨clock I heard, hestitations, whispers and mutters. Maybe I´m kind of crazy, maybe not. Bu someone was surroundig my house. However I know the security is always there in front of my house, and if I need something they would help me.... I guess. All the same, my heart beat rapidly when I heard something.
To be more precise since I came here I sleept as a maximun two times.
Later I heard: "we must run, the insects will enter and make a disaster". Someone whispered. "Are you sure? we must wamke up those men inside that house please, someone is going to kill him," They answer.
The atmosphere was calm, after i heard that horrible conversation between those two old men, While  i start thinking in what i heard, as you know The thruth is always difficult to swallow. To conclude i thought, living there was not the best desicion that i took, cruel animals, scary houses and serious people too were the facts that make my mind thinking a different way. That is to say, I was going to move to my old town village, That¨s way i never sell that house. I knew i was going to return home. On the other hand, i knew that in city, my work was on trouble, that is to say i was in trouble, But to conclude, I would say that i prefer staying in town without frighten, and i feel that myself would be more secure than in the middle of th
My home town village.
e forest.
My house in the forest.

martes, 20 de octubre de 2015

Oh Romeo! Oh Romeo!

In our language lessons the teacher told us to give our opinion of the play Oh Romeo!Oh Romeo!.

This image represent the cover of
the original film.
The play "Oh Romeo! Oh Romeo" played by the students of Newlands School develops the ridiculous version of the original Romeo and Juliet characters. Here, Juliet was ugly and Romeo Beautiful. In this eesay we will develop our opinion about the play and why we like it or not.
With regards to the plat the part that surprised us is how the students could organize their lines and the way in which they acted all along the scenes. Pronunciation was really good and behaviour was magnificient. Costumers were particulary similar to the ones in the original play.
On the other hand, there were some things to point out. It could be that it seemed they were in a hurry and also the actors of the chorus were not so involved as they should been in order to be recognized.
film part.
To conlcude, despite all, they made a great piece of work with all the teachers in charge of prepearing this "new version". Students worked specially hard, transmiting good energy to the audience. In our opinion the play was incredible, sounds and the atmosphere made all this a real one. Our opinion about the play and why we like it or not are the ideas developed in this essay.

Advantages and Disadvantages of technology in the classroom.

In our language classes the teacher gives us a asigment and from that one we were told to create the following essay.

                     IS TECHNOLOGY SO IMPORTANT?

Here we can notice how children are learnign to use
technology in school.

Technology is one of the most important and necessary things nowadays to people, some of them think that with out it we couldnt live, but is that so important? Well, sometimes yes, and specific in schools. In this essay i will explain the advantages and disadvantages of technology in the classroom.
To begin with, technology is versimple and fast. Students must know how to use technology to communicate and collaborate in their future careers. Almost all jobs use at least one form of technology. Although this allows teachers in schools to engage and motivate students in a different way, adding to this, technology gives students the most current information. Also, teachers have their benefits, specific programs and apps, or websites gives them the options to offer content to their schoolchilds at different levels, being also this "media" an eassy way of correcting works.
There are some disadvantages in connection to this. Computers make it so easy to find answers that childrens must think on their own, This in the future could bring them a lazy attitude towards their education. If teachers give them a ook to read, thay will automatically find the best solution by searching the summary of it in their computers.
This womans are having a conference with other
classes, through internet using special programs.
To conlude, technology in education plays and important role in the studies of children. But you need to make sure that you are going to be vary careful in allowing them to use their own computer or celephones in the class, It is also interesting to let them use some of this modern devices for education. In my opinion, technology in classroom is very useful and it is a good way of communicating with other classes all around the world, Advantages and disadvantages of technology in the classroom are the ideas explained all allong this essay.
