There is a place called Manaus, which is located 3º south of the Equator and in the centre of the Amazon basin in Brazil. This place has high and constant temperatures along the year; it has two or three drier months, when the sun is above at the opposite tropic, and the presence of rain when the sun is closer to be upward. Winds are light and variable.
The Equatorial areas exceed 2000mm of annual rainfall because of the thunderstorms, occurring mostly during the afternoons. These storms are due to the confluence of warm air, being forced to rise giving as a result heavy rain. It´s an area with higher presence of humidity.
Cold Climates are located from the polar circles at the poles and the zones of elevated altitude.
In that areas there are presented Very cold temperatures (under 0 degrees C).
Deserts cover about one fifth of Earth's surface. There are two types of desert climates
Cold Climates are located from the polar circles at the poles and the zones of elevated altitude.
In that areas there are presented Very cold temperatures (under 0 degrees C).
Deserts cover about one fifth of Earth's surface. There are two types of desert climates
The surface in the early morning is wet. The sun heats with evapotranspiration at midday. There is a presence of high temperatures, with more evapotranspiration and clouds, producing by four o´clock heavy rains.
It´s found in central parts of continents, far away from coast, between latitudes 5º and 15º North and South the Equator, including the Brazilian highland, parts of Venezuela, Northern Australia and a large part of the Congo basin, involving Kenya. The same it´s to high to share the main features of the Equatorial climate.
The Tropical Continental Climate has a wet and dry season caused by the movements. The temperatures start rising when the sun takes a more vertical position, as they fall in July and August because of the increment of clouds and rainfall.
Congo has a cooler season when the sun is on the opposite hemisphere. The same, moves accompanied with the Equatorial low pressure influenced by the winds from the east.
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The monsoon. |
The Monsoon is referred to the word ¨season¨. There are two different seasons. One is the South-West Monsoon, The other one is the North-East monsoon wich are the consequence from the reversal in the direction of the predominant winds.
The south west Monsoon.
The sun appears to be above at the tropic of cancer in a month. It would be intensely hot in places like Himalayas. When the hot air rises. It is formed an area of low pressure and warm, moist air is drawn Northwards from mountains.
The south west Monsoon.
The sun appears to be above at the tropic of cancer in a month. It would be intensely hot in places like Himalayas. When the hot air rises. It is formed an area of low pressure and warm, moist air is drawn Northwards from mountains.
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flooding. |
Mumbai reaches over 2000mm in five months and Cherrapunji, is the wettest place on earth, 4000mm. Rains origin flooding, while places in the north remain dry.
The north-east monsoon.
All along the Northern winter, the sun located at the top moves South Wards. Winds blow outwards from the high pressure area but, as they originate in a dry area, finally they give only small amounts of rain. Mumbai is one that receives 45mm in seven months. So because of this, by the end of the ¨dry season, some places are in danger of drought