It was a sunny day. Tom`s father was called Randolpg and his mother was called Sussie, There were having a kind of conversation in a saturdar. Tom was 18 years old and catherine 10.
In the middle of the conversation Tom (the son) started having a kind of fight whit his mother about the social classes. Tom wanted to be in the most important class, the one tant richo people could be, his mother started shouting saying that thay wouldn`t be more than other people if they were part of the lower classes.
Tom started looking for this bags and started putting all his clothes inside. Tom arribed at the kitchen were Sussie was and he said: "I`m tired of being only one more in the world". Sussie angry, and sad said: "Please , Tom stay here I love you son, please don`t leave". Tom crying , threw away his bag and run to his room.
The night was arraiving an Tom was still crying. His mother knocked on the door and she entered to tom`s room, were they talk for two hours.
Randolph, still angry knocked on the door and entered the room, thay told Tom that money, was not all in the world, there were more important things than money, being rich would not make you happy and that he had to accept the social class they were being part of.
Days after, Tom understood that not only having money would make him happy, that he should enjoy life enjoy every minute of his life, and that having a family and friends that love you was the most important thing in the world. That saturday afternoon Tom undestood lots of things.
People learn a little bit every day, thay learned new and fantastic things day by day, so they went to sleep and started crying again.
20 days had pased, thay started not having money, they only had money to buy food, Things were getting more difficult than ever, their kids couldn`t go to school because Sussie and Randolph didn`t have enought money to pay for the,. Tom was repeating the same ideas of being rich as well as Catherine.
One night Randolph and Sussie said yo Catherine and Tom that thay had to talk with them.
The four of them relaxed in the sofa and thay started telling their kids all the problems that they were having. Tom and Catherine whan thay realised that thing were getting worse, they picked up all their things and they immediately went to their grandsmother`s house, in the street they found a dog and a cat.
Catherine told Tom that she wants to adopted them and that her dream was to had a pet, so Tom took the dog and the cat and they called them sweetym, to the beautiful and big dog, and jerry to the ugly but funny cat.
They thought that going to their rich grandomother`s house would be a better idea instead of being in their own house.
Money would not make you happy, with this you could buy all but NEVER love and HAPPINES-