In the door in the wall by H.G Wells a man called Wallace founds a door full of fantastic and magic things, Wallace has a friend the one who was always with him. The author shows who can the reality and the imagination can be confusing someone.
Throught the book, Wallace is always wanting to found that door the one he enters when he was a little boy. Reality and imagination is always present here. This door was not really true, because Wallace when he found it, the door was in different places for his this "door in the wall" represents his oun chilhood.
Wallace want his friend to believe and trust him, bou his friend did not know if that door that wallace talks a lot and love too much was real because he never saw it. That's way reality vs imagination is the important thing in this story, he was alone in his life all he had was a friend because his father did not pay attention To him and his mother died when he was a little boy.
At the end of the story Wallace died, we have to know that he was alone in his life . It was a sad and alone man with a sad life. He think that the door exist but it was not true.
In the door in the wall reality vs imagination is giving an exampke of what Wallace thinks or what it was completly real. Reading this story it makes me realize that all of us have yo protect and to remember in a good way and with good felling our chilhood for me being a kid is one of the most important stage in our lives. I loke this story to much because it is very interesting and very atracting in the moment of reading it. In this theme is good explained because this door that Wallace was imagining or in a way looking, appears always in different places that's way we could realize tthat the theme is reality vs imagination. So to finish this story is sad but at the same time is problematic and preocupated. We have to valorate all what we have and to love all, sometimes we did not have all what we want but we have to love all what we have. I like this story and it is to sad and imaginary.
WORDS: 404