lunes, 10 de julio de 2017

Argumentative Essay

Pink Floyd.

The Wall is perhaps one of the most intriguing and imaginative albums in the history of pop music. It was recorded in 1979 and brought to the screen in 1982, being today is as famous as the first time. Many of us listen songs for pleasure but after all this, do you know what Pink floyd really wants to transmit with his song?

Pink is a rock star and we can notice he has a depressive disorder that leads him in a state of alienation, probably, this alienation begins when his father, a British soldier died in the war, living him alone with his overprotective mother. Also himself could have been affected when his wife left him.
During his time, despite the world war, there was a bad education, abuses, sex, drugs and rock and roll. Pink was very influenced by his surroundings leading this to some influences for his mental disorders and one of them is as we mention before, his overprotective mom the one not only did not allowed his son to be free, but also forced him  to take the role of his deceased father being this what made`s Pink´s maturation became earlier without having the chance of choosing what he really wants for his own life.

Pink leads a rough life leading to the dark world of drugs; As a result of these and their bad memories Pink falls into a spiral that leads to madness.

To conclude, This reflects Pink Floyd, from his childhood, being a witness of the world war up to his days of victory and triumph. ‘The Wall’ has become a vehicle to convey what he sees all along his life, his feelings surrounding the loss of his father in World War II, the severity of the English school system and all the responsibilities that he had to assume since the loss of his father, among others, the overprotection of his mother. So in a way, we could finally assume that Pink Floyd in ‘The wall’ is reflecting his hole depressive and solitary life.

Causarano Micaela.

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