Well , in class we had read a poem called "A Different Hisotry" by SUJATA BHATT.
This poem talk about the life in india before th british colonization, they introduce the imporance of otrees and books, and how you have to trate them. So when we finish to read and discose this poem we decide to writte a diary entry from the point of viwe of Sujata Bhatt when she was a young girl.
Monday 6th May 1940
Dear Diary:
Today was a sad and horrible day, Colonization in India was getting worse, people were not interested about our country, They did`t want to do anything. I am so bad, and serious to see how the british took language , Ideas, Knowledges and identities. In the future I would like to organizse this country, I would like to shout the world that we can make all this better and with any problem, we are good people, all of us want the best for our country.
We want to have a better country, I want to have better security. If I were oldest, I would change a lot of things. We want to go out from out houses without being scared. We want to let young people have liberty without being sacred.
Here in India life is completely free, Religion and Knowledge are very important to the Indian Culture.
When I get older I want to make different groups of people and all of us will give ideas of how the Indian Country could be more beautiful and safer.
Some people accept this idea but others didn`t people in India sometimes are generous, symphathetic and polite but sometimes they getandry with the goverment of India and they start making a kind of strike in the centre of the country.
To summeriza this I would say that our country will be better step by step, slowly we will get a special country. Our inhabitants will help us to make this better and to resolve all problems we have.
Ok, To finish I would say we are going to have a better country with better people and better security.
Dear Diary tomorrow I would tell you if the is some change
With Love
Sujata Bhathh.